rse process

On the threshold of the sixth mass extinction of life on Earth, it is crucial to raise awareness of ecological challenges and encourage all citizens to take action to reduce their negative impact on the environment.
Let’s go green is an initiative created and led by CRCT employees to discuss how to apply the principles of sustainable development at work, i.e. in the research laboratories.
This group specifically discusses alternatives and solutions to limit our ecological impact and proposes concrete actions that employees can apply to significantly reduce their CO2 and waste production.
Furthermore, another important mission of Let’s Go Green is to educate and inform all CRCT employees about the environmental challenges of the coming years and the impact of their lifestyle on global warming and the massive loss of biodiversity.
Poster and oral presentation on the sustainable measures already implemented at the CRCT
Specific training for new employees
100% recycling of paper, cardboard, plastic cone boxes, ink cartridges, batteries and writing materials
Distribution of reusable plastic cups (Ecocups) for all employees to reduce single-use plastic consumption
Search for alternatives for more local consumption to aim at reducing CO2 emissions in the transport of products and goods most used in the laboratories
Terracycle collections
New measures to be implemented in the coming months
Online tool for employees to promote carpooling to and from work
Recycling of personal protective equipment

Collections in the shop

The OTHER collections

Toulouse Cancer Research Center (Oncopole)
Toulouse – FR
Contact us
+33 5 82 74 15 75
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