Research on pancreatic cancer: the FRAP project selected by INCa

The FRAP project (French Research Network against Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma) is one of the two winners of the 2024 Call for Applications launched by the National Cancer Institute in order to promote and label research networks of excellence specialized in cancers with a poor prognosis.

Coordinated by Professor Jérôme Cros, Beaujon Hospital – Assistance Publique – Hôpitaux de Paris, the network relies on a network of researchers from different cities and different scientific backgrounds with the aim of improving the survival of patients.

The objective of the FRAP network (French Network for Research against Pancreatic Cancer), in which several teams from the CRCT and the Toulouse University Hospital participate, is made up of 15 research teams, is to tackle these obstacles through three programs integrated research centers (IRP): the IRP1 will structure French biological resources linked to pancreatic cancer through a hub under the aegis of the national biobank BACAP financed by the National Cancer Institute, and led by Prof. Barbara Bournet, on the gastroenterology and nutrition department of Toulouse University Hospital and member of the CRCT ImPACT team (Pierre Cordelier). The NetB(IO)2 team at the CRCT (Vera Pancaldi) will participate in the bioinformatics analysis of the data.

IRP2, in which the MicroPanc team (Corinne Bousquet) participates, is devoted to fundamental science guided by crucial clinical questions, on the development of cancer in order to improve the selection of patients in surveillance programs, followed by a integrative study of resistance mechanisms linked to tumor cell-microenvironment dialogue. Finally, IRP3 will aim to better integrate research into clinical trials, by accelerating the transfer of knowledge from IRP2 to develop predictive biomarkers usable in clinical practice and innovative therapies, in particular thanks to the participation of the ImPACT team of the CRCT (Pierre Cordelier).

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Centre de Recherches en Cancérologie de Toulouse

Toulouse Cancer Research Center (Oncopole)

Toulouse - FR

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