Focus research 2022 RNAreg team

The RNAreg team, created by INSERM in 2021, brings together experts in the fields of protein synthesis (Stefania Millevoi and Anne Cammas), autophagy (Estelle Espinos, Stéphane Manenti), as well as clinicians (Sébastien Vergez) who investigate the biology of RNA in HNSCC cancer in response to genotoxic stress. The team’s work published in 2022 documents the importance of non-canonical RNA structures in regulating protein synthesis (Herviou (2022) Methods Mol. Biol.) associated with glioblastoma proliferation and survival (LeBras (2022) Cancers; in collaboration with N. Skuli and B. Tyler at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, USA) as well as the role of PIM kinase in B cell differentiation, thanks to collaboration with T. Fest’s team (Université de Rennes) which has opened up new therapeutic options in multiple myeloma (Haas (2022) Blood). Among the highlights of 2022, the team was accredited by the ARC Foundation for Cancer Research for three years to conduct a project aimed at characterizing the role and mechanism of action of RNA structures in energy metabolism. The team has also obtained funding from INCA (INCA PLBIO program) for three years in collaboration with S. Britton’s team at IPBS and C. Joffre at CRCT to characterize a new function of the CHK1 protein in autophagy in response to genotoxic stress.

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