– CELLULAr imaging

Confocal microscope LSM 880 Fast Airyscan


Today’s applications require ever higher resolution, sensitivity and speed. So to meet this need we have equipped ourselves with an LSM880 Fast Airyscan (Zeiss).

This technology is more resolutive than confocal while having a better signal/noise and with more speed thanks to the Fast module.

The microscope on the platform is an Axio Observer Z1 motorised inverted microscope.


 Four excitation sources are available:

  • Diode (UV): 405nm
  • Argon Laser: 458, 488 et 514nm
  • Diode Laser (DPSS): 561nm
  • Hélium Néon Laser: 633nm


The objectives present are:

  • Plan-Apochromat   10x / 0,45 DICII
  • Plan-Apochromat   20x / 0,8 DIC II
  • Plan-Apochromat   40x / 1.3 oil DIC II
  • Plan-Apochromat   63x / 1,4 oil DIC III


The device has a complete environmental control for temperature and CO2 as well as a motorized stage that will allow you to make multidimensional acquisitions on living cells as well as mosaic image acquisition.

A piezo stage is mounted on the microscope to perform very fast and accurate z-stacks.

The Airyscan module provides a 2x resolution improvement. The maximum resolution is 120nm lateral (XY) and 350 nm axial (Z).

The Fast mode allows to accelerate considerably the acquisition speed by scanning 4 lines simultaneously.


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