CNRS ApiPhot Technology School – Focus on depth and super-resolution microscopy
Organization of a stand, workshops and a Round Table of the “Clearing and Imaging of Thick Samples” Working Group (WG), coordinated by Dr R. D’Angelo. This “Innovative Approaches to Photonic Imaging” Training Course was attended by 150 people at the Institut Pasteur in Lille on May 21-24, highlights the contribution of the RTmFm WGs.
Learn more about 3D imaging and transparency tools? This is the aim of the Working Group coordinated by Dr Romina D’Angelo, present at the CNRS ApiPhot National Training Action.
The community was able to access new approaches to 3D imaging through an interactive stand, practical workshops on “CLEARMAP software for mapping cells of interest in a iDISCO cleared brain” – “Science in VR: discovering, explaining and analyzing multidimensional scientific data in virtual reality”, a round table on “Fluorescent labeling of thick samples, difficulties and improvements” and the sharing of tools (beginner’s kit, protocols, expert mapping). These freely-available tools and the workshops were much appreciated by the community on site.
Generally speaking, the scientific content of this technology school was based on all the work carried out by the RTmfm network’s WGs, in particular on the key themes of depth/3D and super-resolution photonic microscopy. Technical and scientific exchanges were structured around presentations, round tables and parallel workshop sessions. This enabled us to cover and respond to a wide range of themes and issues.

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