Single-cell spatial explorer a software to to analyse the cells characteristics in relation with their position in any kind of biological tissue
Single-cell spatial explorer a software to to analyse the cells characteristics in relation with their position in any kind of biological tissue Freeware, Multimodal analysis, Open-source, Single-cell, Spatial transcriptomics, Visualization, Frédéric Pont,...
The Roland Garigou Foundation for Culture & Health awards several prizes and grants to the CRCT in 2022
The Roland Garigou Foundation for Culture & Health awards several prizes and grants to the CRCT in 2022 The Fonroga Foundation supports initiatives and achievements in the fields of culture and health in the Toulouse region. On 15 November 2022 it awarded several...
Deregulation of protein synthesis in pancreatic cancer
Deregulation of protein synthesis in pancreatic cancer Pancreatic Cancer mRNA translation Integrated stress Response (ISR) protein synthesis Yvan Martineau, Team MICROPANC – Microenvironnement and Therapeutic Resistance in Pancreatic Neoplasms During the last...
Alexia Brunel receives the Claude Rozè Prize at the CECED congress in Lyon
Talents& Awards AWARD During the 39th meeting of the (Club d’étude des Cellules Epithéliales Digestives), which took place in Lyon on 23 and 24 March 2022, the Claude Rozé prize was awarded to Alexia Brunel of the CRCT. This prize is intended for doctoral students...