Rapid detection of a cancer biomarker by a microfluidic chip
Rapid detection of a cancer biomarker by a microfluidic chip Pierre Cordelier, t ImPACT : Innovation thérapeutique dans le cancer du pancréas Researchers at LAAS-CNRS, in collaboration with the Toulouse Cancer Research Centre, have shown how the μLAS microfluidic...
Première saison des Apprentis Chercheurs au CRCT
A look back at the adventure of 17 young secondary school students at the heart of cancer research as part of the Apprentice Researchers scheme deployed for the first time at the CRCT. To be discovered on the dedicated page (in french only) Toulouse Cancer Research...
Targeting a family of proteins important for cancer development using intracellular macromolecules
Targeting a family of proteins important for cancer development using intracellular macromolecules Intracellular antibody Nanobodies Small GTPase RAS RHO Targeted protein degradation Cancer Contact : Marie Sorbara and Nicolas Béry- team ImPact : Innovation...
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