How to target PI3Ks 3 classes in cancer?
How to target PI3Ks 3 classes in cancer? PI3K, cell signaling, Combi/hydrides-molecules, combination therapeutics, Cancer, Benoît Thibault, équipe SigDyn – Signalisation cellulaire intégrée et isoformes de PI3K PI3Ks are a family of 3 classes of enzymes that are...
Lessons from the melanoma ecosystem
#CRCTSCHOLARThe CRCT conferences Lessons from the melanoma ecosystem Conference of Dr Florian Rambow, IKIM Institute, GermanyVideoconference Teams given on Friday, February 03, within the framework of the CRCT Scientific Animation Committee. Primary resistance...
Pancreatic cancer cell and gene biotherapies; past, present and future
Pancreatic cancer cell and gene biotherapies; past, present and future Pancreatic cancer Biotherapy gene therapy Lorraine Quillien Team Impact – Therapeutic innovation in pancreatic cancer – Team Leader Pierre Cordelier Solid cancers remain a major health...
Resisting T cell attack: tumor-cell-intrinsic defense and reparation mechanisms.
Resisting T cell attack: tumor-cell-intrinsic defense and reparation mechanisms cytotoxic T lymphocytes defense immunological synapse immunotherapy resistance. Salvatore Valitutti and Brienne McKensie équipe DynAct – Molecular dynamics of Lymphocyte...