Conférence | Self-organizing principles driving tumor stemness and hierarchy | Carlos Pérez-González (Institut Curie)

Salle Cazaux + Visio Teams

Colorectal tumors are heterogeneous and hierarchical. Tumor growth relies on the proliferation of cancer stem cells, which constantly produce non-proliferative differentiated cells that eventually die. Despite this hierarchy, treatments targeting cancer stem cells often fail at eradicating the tumor, because the remaining cancer cells dedifferentiate to replenish the stem cell pool. It is thus crucial […]

Conférence | Mechanical forces and microenvironment heterogeneity promote leukemic stem cell resistance | Dr Sylvain Lefort | CRCL, Lyon

Salle Cazaux + Visio Teams

Lien vers la visioconférence   Abstract : In myeloid leukaemias, the rapid clonal expansion of leukemic cells in the bone marrow leads to alterations of microenvironment properties, and reduction of the overall availability for each cell type in the constrained space of the medullar niche. In addition, bone marrow fibrosis that often occurs in myeloid […]

Conférence : BMP2 and BMP7 cooperate with H3.3K27M to promote quiescence and invasiveness in pediatric diffuse midline gliomas | Marie Castets, CRCL

Salle Cazaux + Visio Teams

Important : reportée de 11h40 à 12h10 Pour suivre la conférence à distance, cliquez ici. Abstract : Pediatric diffuse midline gliomas (pDMG) are an aggressive type of childhood cancer with a fatal outcome. Their major epigenetic determinism has become clear, notably with the identification of K27M mutations in histone H3. However, the synergistic oncogenic mechanisms […]

Conférence | Insights into the disruption of gene regulatory programs in cancers | Dr Anthony Mathelier

Salle Cazaux + Visio Teams

Pour suivre la conférence à distance, cliquez ici. Abstract: Most cancer somatic alterations occur in the noncoding portion of the human genome, which contains important cis-regulatory regions acting as genetic switches to ensure gene expression occurs at correct times and intensities in correct tissues. However, the identification of critical noncoding cancer driver events has been […]

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